Monday, June 18, 2007

Pickup lines that don't lead to marriage

Weddings and stoned videographers and failed pick-up attempts with mall kiosk employees (like the ones in the picture). What better way to spend 20 minutes at the Soda Fountain than talking about trying to pick up a beautiful young Marine with a horrific pick-up line and bombing on the phone!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Moon and Stars

Tommy was at a wedding this week and Craig was unavailable. So instead of the traditional podcast I worked on my audio engineering skills.

After several hours working on sound design I invented moon and stars. It's only the intro and first verse but I thought you might like a sneak peak. I'll be showing you the full song as soon as it's done.

Take the moon, the stars
with never a question
even though there's seldom enough
to go around
maybe you'll find a way, someday
to use them
until then, hide them in your heart
where they can't be found

Monday, June 4, 2007

Hope they live to tell...

This week we're taking bets on whether two people I had sushi with the other night live to see their 30s. And there's some swashbuckling. Finally, Jeff closes the podcast with an accoustic cover of one of his favorite songs. In one take. And it's the first time he's performed "live" in about 6 years.

Quite nerve wracking. But what the hell...nothing ventured, nothing gained.

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